Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 49

Hops had fun chasing Rice and Dillon today who were chasing tennis balls in the yard. Hops would reliably chase them halfway, then wait for them to bring the ball back to where he was and chase them or run ahead of them back to me. After the boys were tired I put them inside and Hops retrieved a ball about six times before he started coming back without it. Not bad!



Hops was brushed and had his nails clipped for the first part of his dinner. He did great with the brushing (though we need to work on stand stay in combination with it) but he was fussier than usual for his nails being trimmed. A little later Hops did some say hello work and lots of pushups for the rest of his dinner. He is doing great with lifting up his paws with say hello. With pushups I focused on duration with all three positions and on only rewarding downs when he downed evenly, not but first. He did a great job!



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