Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 56

Hops spent his morning in a crate in my car while I was at a long doc appointment. Then he chased the boys around the arena at work before going back into the crate while I taught a lesson. After work he went into the bank with me and was very calm and well mannered then went into Pet Pros with me and was loved on by a few women and older children. He loves the attention! When we arrived home I threw balls for Rice and Dillon and Hops chased and stalked them while they retrieved. Hops was reprimanded by Dillon once because he was jumping on him and biting him. Good boy Dillon! Hops stopped biting him so his correction must have worked! When the big boys were tired I put them inside and Hops retrieved the ball a dozen times for me and a few times for Jeremiah! Woohoo! Good puppy Hops!


Tonight was a grooming night for Hops. I brushed him, clipped his nails, filed his nails and trimmed the hair on his feet. He was really good this time there was only a minimal amount of fussing!


For dinner Hops had a take session for the camera. He is getting better at it every time we work on it, getting the handle to my hand most of the time. I then had him do some rolling over and introduced him to the manners minder (MM). I let him watch Rice eat a treat out of it first, then hit the button and let him go eat the kibble the machine let out. He was soon doing sits, downs, stands, roll overs and touches, all rewards coming from the MM. He did get to a point where he did not want to leave the MM to do tricks away from it but he worked through it. He is so expressive. I asked him to down (six feet away from the MM) and he looks me dead in the eyes and I could swear he was saying we should be over by the MM mom, not over here! We ended with a few recalls to the MM. Great first session with it!


Take lesson:


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